How to Share a Compliment or File a Complaint: Janesville Police Officer Feedback Guide

Here’s how to share a compliment or file a complaint against a Janesville Police officer. We aim to simplify the process and inform you of potential filing barriers.

Caution: We couldn't find online information for filing police conduct reports with this law enforcement agency.

Contact the Janesville Police Department to learn about your filing options.

Police Department Staffers: It's time to upgrade your community feedback system. Schedule a demo with Sivil to learn about our next-generation case management solutions.

Reporting Access Features for the Janesville Police Department

Below is a summary of the reporting access features available for the Janesville Police Department. These features highlight the available options and potential requirements for submitting your feedback.

Online Submission Form

The Janesville Police Department does not yet offer an online submission form to file compliments and complaints.

Police Department Staffers: Schedule a demo with Sivil to learn about our next-generation case management solutions.